Soft skills in sustainability management

Explaining, convincing,
and, if needed, taking a stand

Communication skills are essential in sustainability management – regardless of whether specialists work in the company or with a service provider. Accordingly, they are often required in job advertisements. Ideally, applicants would also be good at working on a team and motivated. No wonder – sustainability management employees work with many different departments and external partners. They must be able to convey sustainability concerns and goals well. They may face reservations which will take motivation, persuasiveness and – if necessary – a certain level of assertiveness to overcome. If sustainability specialists are also used to working independently and thinking analytically, they will be able to find new approaches to achieving the goals set for them.

Success in the sustainability management field isn’t decided solely at a desk. Often meetings, or inspections at other locations are required. Because of this, employees need to be willing to travel for business.

Source: DEKRA Akademie 2024
Base: 343 job vacancies (multiple responses)