

There are many different components to ensuring that workers newly arrived in Germany find their way. Survey respondents agree that some of them are essential: A place to live, language fluency, and the integration of the existing workforce. International specialists need to be fluent in German to handle their careers and everyday lives; this fluency is also required for professional credentialing in regulated professions. Affordable housing for the initial period following arrival is likewise important. Simply finding an affordable apartment can be almost impossible initially. However, teams also need to be prepared for new colleagues; this part of the integration process can sometimes be underestimated. Only when they understand what cultures people come from, or why they need more initial support, can misunderstandings and tensions be avoided.

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Boockmann

“A large portion of re-emigration is caused by reasons related to the labor market”

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Boockmann, Institute for Applied Economic Research, Tübingen

Retaining specialist employees

The efforts of all three employers paid off: The retention rate among international specialists is very high. When individuals leave the company, this is usually for reasons the employer cannot significantly influence. These are sometimes personal reasons like homesickness, or when a partner finds a job in another region. Sometimes they move to areas with better earning opportunities, like from the trades to industry.

In other areas, many international workers go back home or move to other countries. Prof. Dr. Bernhard Boockmann surveyed workers who left Germany on behalf of the German Federal Labor Agency. “A large portion of migration is caused by reasons related to the labor market, such as losing a job or – for international students – the end of their degree program. There are also family-related motives, and frequently economic reasons like high rents. A small percentage of immigrants noted experiences of discrimination as a reason. Several of the reasons listed applied to most respondents” he concludes.