Occupational area 1


14.5 % of total positions (-1.7 compared to 2023)
Average: 2008-2024: 11.1 %
Top 5 professions: 1. Forklift driver, materials handling equipment operator | 2. Vehicle mechatronics technician | 3. Warehouse / transportation worker | 4. Plant security, detective | 5. Warehouse logistics specialist

Warehouse logistics follows economic trends

Few areas react so directly to economic fluctuations as warehouse logistics and transportation. When fewer goods are produced and sold, employers also need fewer personnel to move them. This year’s drop in the occupational area, therefore, was due in particular to development in these work areas. Only the profession of forklift driver is currently among the top 10, although two other warehouse logistics professions were among the top spots in 2023. Most careers have suffered losses in the transportation area. Nevertheless, there is still a comparatively large selection of open jobs available to professional drivers (29th place)

In contrast, the areas of maintenance and safety saw significant increases. The professions vehicle mechatronics technician and mechanic (general), in particular, increased their percentages. The security services industry is growing. Employers in this area are seeking plant security personnel and detectives, in particular. They doubled their percentage of the occupational area; one in eleven job vacancies is for people looking for careers in areas like property protection. Plant security personnel and detectives took 23rd place in the overall rankings (2023: 45).

Source: DEKRA Akademie 2024
Base: 1,518 job vacancies

Source: DEKRA Akademie 2024