Occupational area 2


19.1 % of total positions (+4.0 compared to 2023)
Average 2008– 2024: 16.8 %
Top 5 professions: 1. Service, reception employees | 2. Educator, childcare worker | 3. Healthcare and nursing | 4. Room, house cleaner | 5. Retail salesperson

Plenty to choose from in hospitality and childcare

This occupational area made up the largest percentage in the sample, and has four professions among the top ten. All percentages in the Hospitality and service area increased; positions in hospitality and childcare make up three of the ten most sought-after professions. Because of this, the occupational area has actually overtaken healthcare and nursing careers – both in terms of percentage of the occupational area and percentage of the overall sample. This is the first time this has been the case since data has been collected.

Almost one out of five job offers in the occupational area is in the fields of personal care and cleaning. The current high demand for cleaning personnel and kitchen assistants is associated with developments in the hospitality and service sector.

Retail salespersons once again just missed taking a top-ten spot (11th place), as staffing requirements in retail remain high. According to the industry association HDE, the sector, which has over 3 million workers, is suffering increasingly from a lack of trained professionals. The Kfw-ifo expert barometer showed that this lack does interfere with business operations for 38.5 % employers.

Source: DEKRA Akademie 2024
Base: 2,002 job vacancies

Source: DEKRA Akademie 2024